Generálny tajomník ECTP-CEU

Vážení kolegovia,

vzhľadom na rezignáciu súčasnej generálnej tajomníčky ECTP-CEU ( je nová výzvy na obsadenie tejto pozície. V prípade záujmu o bližšie informácie o pozíciu sa prosím obráťte na, pretože kandidát musí byť priamo členom ECTP-CEU, alebo členom ZUUPS.

Prikladáme list prezidentky ECTP-CEU:

Dear Colleagues,

Call for applications for a new Secretary-General of ECTP-CEU
Important : The date of the Bergen GA is 13/14th May 2022

Regrettably, Chantal Guillet has resigned from her position of Secretary-General of the ECTP-CEU, and we therefore have to engage a new person for our ExCo, specifically to take on the role of S-G. I enclose our call for applications for this exciting post in which you will be making a major contribution to the work of the ECTP-CEU. Please note that the candidates should be delegates to the GA.

Please do not hesitate to drop me a line if you want to discuss this position or if you need more information before making an application.

On behalf of the ExCo, we look forward to welcoming an eighth person onto our ExCo to help us with our busy agenda.

Thank you.

Kind regards

Janet Askew

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